What we offer

The aims of the Ringing Station are to allow the exploitation of a large site by the co-operative work of a number of ringers and to provide a large database available for analysis by the BTO and members. To this end we operate two Constant Effort Sites during the summer in addition to more general ringing.

In accordance with BTO regulations, trainees may only operate under supervision. Newly joined A or C ringers should attend a few times with senior existing members to familiarise themselves with the established ringing sites and general procedures.

Once qualified ringers have familiarised themselves with procedures, keys to the gate and the hut are available from the treasurer at cost. Members should ensure that the ringing hut doors and windows are locked when no-one is present, and that the outer gate is closed and locked by the last person to leave.

When members attend the Ringing Station and take part in ringing, a daily Hut Tax is payable. Coffee and tea are available at a small charge per cup.Facilities for cooking are available.

During the Constant Effort season (end April to end August) CES visits take priority over all other ringing. The dates of proposed CES visits will be marked on the wall calendar and contact telephone numbers for each site will be available. It is most important that no nets are set in CES sites during the three days immediately preceding each visit.

CES net sites will be shown on a sketch map in the ringing hut, these are by definition fixed and must not be modified. Their nets are individually designated and kept in a specific CES cupboard. Other regular established sites are marked on the maps. These are not sacrosanct but they are sites which have proved to be good over the years. They are cut out and often with guys in position (and sometimes poles) to fit suggested net lengths. It is obviously undesirable to cut new sites through reed beds during the breeding season (April to mid-Aug).